News & Events - Survey & Valuation

Which type of survey is best for your needs?

Which? recommends that consumers commission RICS members to carry out surveys when buying, selling or improving a home. RICS promotes and enforces the highest professional standards in the development and management of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure.

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RB&Co Property Focus Publication Autumn Launch!

One of the reasons why our company has been around for well over 200 years, selling homes across Lincolnshire, is because we have always been a very professional, forward thinking and innovative agency. The launch of our 'Property Focus publication' is yet another unique marketing tool that ensures our client's homes are not missed and go straight into the hands of buyers across the region.

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‘Top tips’ on choosing the right Survey & Valuation Report when you buy!

Purchasing a home is the largest financial commitment we make in our lives. They need to know they are buying the property at the right price for the condition it is in with - no nasty surprises! So you need an RICS professional to inspect the property. Below is a guide on the various RICS reports that you can commission, according to your needs.

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The importance of getting a home survey

A home is the most expensive purchase most people ever make. As an owner you will benefit from expert advice on the condition of your property - whether you plan to live in it, rent it out or sell it.

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